Zhang Ke Wins Aga Khan Award for Architecture
07 November 2016
Zhang Ke, ZAO / standardarchitecture, with the Micro Yuan’er Children’s Library and Art Centre, Beijing, received the Aga Khan Award for Architecture in the ceremony held in Al Ain, UAE, November 6th, 2016. As one of the most prestigious international architectural awards, the Aga Khan Award for Architecture is presented in a three-year cycle to multiple projects. This year, from a total of 348 nominated projects in 69 countries, it celebrated 6 winning projects by ZAO/standardarchitecture, Zaha Hadid Architects, BIG, Marina Tabassum Architects, etc.
Jury citation for the Micro Yuan’er Children’s Library and Art Centre, Beijing:
Urbanisation in China has a complex relation with the past. How do you move forward while recognising the values of the built heritage? The response to this question has often led to a stark contrast between the old and the new, with the latter being seen as the sole marker of progress. Yet others have sought alternative strategies for urbanisation. Increasingly there is a call for a more nuanced consideration of the old and the existing, as potentially indispensable parts of urban developments. The Micro Yuan’er Children’s Library and Art Centre is an exemplary representative of the modification and adaptive re-use of a historic building. In Beijing, as in other places, a growing number of hutongs are being restored. But this hutong is not a typical restoration project. By providing new structures and new public uses in the middle of the building’s courtyard, it entwines the private lives of the older inhabitants with the public use of a new children’s library and art centre. The architectural strategy of this modest but highly articulate intervention is to use the existing buildings and landscape as the armature for the new construction. The use of a limited palette of materials, such as brick, wood and glass, helps the space of the courtyard to become denser through the addition of the new structures. The hutong provides an example of how the adaptive re-use of an older building can become the basis for a new form of micro-urbanism that constructs productive reciprocities between the private and the public. This is an approach that can be potentially replicated in other locations and within a diversity of communities.
张轲/标准营造 凭借北京胡同更新项目“微杂院”儿童图书室及艺术中心获阿卡汗建筑奖。颁奖典礼于2016年11月6日在阿拉伯联合酋长国阿莱茵市举行。阿卡汗建筑奖是世界最著名的建筑奖项之一,每三年评选一次。今年,从来自69个国家的348个提名作品中,与张轲的“微杂院”同时脱颖而出的还有来自黎巴嫩、丹麦、孟加拉等国的其他5个建筑作品,分别由Zaha Hadid Architects、BIG、Marina Tabassum Architects等设计。
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