Zhang Ke invited to the Venice Biennale central exhibition
28 May 2016
“Micro Hutong Renewal” by Zhang Ke, at the 15th Venice Architecture Biennale, “Reporting from the Front”
Opening at the end of May 2016, the 15th Venice Architecture Biennale has drawn the world’s attention to its fascinating venues, again. As one of the three Chinese participants invited by the curator Alejandro Aravena into the central exhibition--“Reporting from the Front,” Zhang Ke brings his vision of the frontline of Chinese architecture to global visitors.
Three elements compose the “Micro Hutong Renewal” exhibition: two mock-ups of the children’s library and the pavilion of the “Micro Yuan’er” project, and a 7-meter-long concrete table with all the background information on it.
With this exhibition, visitors will act as the eyewitnesses to what is happening in the old city redevelopment in Beijing and have the first-hand contact with the unique intervention come up with by the architect.
于2016年5月底开幕的第15届威尼斯建筑双年展又一次将世界的目光聚焦到了军械库(Arsenale)和城堡花园(Giardini)。作为三位受本届策展人Alejandro Aravena之邀参加此次建筑双年展主题展“前线报道”的中国建筑师之一,张轲为世界带去了他眼中的中国建筑前沿——“胡同微更新”。