Standardarchitecture, Beijing
01 March 2009

standardarchitecture, founded in 1999, is a professional partnership formed by a group of international young designers engaged in practices of architecture, landscape architecture, interior, and industrial design. Originally established in New York, the firm has gradually relocated its main base to Beijing in 2001, after winning several important projects there. 

On the basis of several distinguished cultural projects, such as Beijing DongBianMen Ming Dynasty City Wall Historical Landscape Park (first prize, 2001, realized 2002); The New Academy of Arts & Design of Tsinghua University (first prize, 2002, collaborated with Perkins & Will); the Conservation Study & Master plan for the Historical District of YuYao City; Master plan of the Pedestrian Area at Beijing BaiTaSi Historical District; the Redevelopment Master Plan for Guilin Yangshuo City (selected for realization), the firm has developed particular expertise in creating sensitive landscape and architecture in various cultural and historical urban settings. 

But their projects are not limited to historical sites, recent commissions such as YiDa Kindergarten in Dalian (completed 2003); Space Planning, Interior Design and Landscape design for Lenovo R&D Center at Beijing (realized 2003); Interior of the Standardarchitecture Office (realized 2003); the WuYi Elementary School Auditorium Building (completed 2003); and the Master plan for the reuse of the abandoned housing site at ShiSanLing reservoir area (under construction) showed the diversity of projects this office is carrying out.

Yaluntzangpu Boat Terminal

Project Name: Pai Wharf
Location: Linzhi, Tibet
Program: Wharf
Design period: 2007
Construction period: 2008
Site area: 1000 m²
Building area: 420 m²
Chief Designer: Hou Zhenghua, Zhang Ke, Zhang Hong, Claudia Taborda
Design Team: Dong Lina, Sun Wei
Collaborate Design InstitUtion: China Academy of Building Research Architectural Design Institute & Tibet Youdao Architecture Associates

The small boat terminal is located near the small village named Pai Town in the Linzhi area of Tibet Autonomous Region. As the remotest stop along the Yaluntzangpu River, it allows both local people and travelers from outside to transport by water deep into the valley and come to the foot of the Namchabawa Snow Mountain.

With a total area of only 430 square meters, the building program is quite basic. It has a few toilets, a waiting lounge, a ticket office and a room for people to stay overnight in case the weather goes too fierce to travel on the river. The programs are covered by a series of ramps rising from the water and winding around several big poplar tree, and ends up suspending over the water. Looking from a distance, the building is completely merged with the riverbank topography and becomes part of the greater landscape.

Construction materials are mainly local. All the walls and roofs are made of rocks collected from nearby. Walls are built by Tibetan masonry builders in their own pattern. Window and door frames, ceilings and floors are all made of local timber.

Dancing Triangles Public Space, Shanghai Pudong

Project Name: Dancing Triangles Public Space
Location: Shanghai
Program: Public Space
Design period:2005-2006
Construction period:2006-2007 
Site area: 15000 m²
Building area: 0 m²
Chief Designer: Zhang Ke, Zhang Hong, Hou Zhenghua
Design Team: Hao Zengrui, Yang Xinrong, Li Mingfang, Li Linna, Sun Wei, Christina, Gao Fei

The “dancing triangles” park is located in a Shanghai Pudong area that is currently under crazy urban development. Its surroundings are mixed with left-over village houses, wholesale construction material warehouses, small factories and new housing compounds. The park is built by the famous developer Vanke as a central public space for the housing communities rising around it. 

Like most of the new urban developments in China, the communities and supportive urban functions are separated by wide roads in this area. Immediately adjacent to the park there is going to be a Carrefour Shopping Centre, an elementary school, a community concert hall, and three different housing compounds. Even the site of the park is severely divided by two major crossing roads into four parts. Therefore the first intuition was to create a network that could help holding the dispersed parts and the community functions together. The dancing triangles works as elements that create sense of movement in the landscape, in the meantime functions as a strong central mark for the neighborhood(mainly for young city dwellers) ever since people start to see the first dancing triangle hundreds of meters away. 

Aduitorium Wuyi Primary School

Name project: Wuyi Primary School Auditorium
Location: Beijing
Program: Auditorium
Design period: 2002-2003
Construction period: 2004
Site area: 3000 m²
Building area: 2000 m²
Design Team: Zhang Ke, Zhang Hong, Bu Xiaojun,Li Changle
Photographers: Chen Su

The new auditorium has a seating capacity of 520 and is for the use of both the school and the residents of the adjacent neighborhood. The hall is used for stage performances, films and school events. The auditorium is separated from the school by a square yard. The school is an unobtrusive four-storey block, to which the expressive form of the auditorium forms a strong contrast. Its characteristic folded red roof makes it a striking feature of the neighborhood. 

The rear wall and the façade form part of the roof, which is supported on both sides by a row of columns. The resulting galleries have walls of red brick in which the wheelchair ramps and the stairs have been integrated. The first floor on the West side of the building is recessed. The foyer beneath the overhanging roof receives daylight from both sides through its glass wall. The entrance pierces the vertical wall which rises from the ground as a continuation of the folded roof profile and marks the entrance like a massive sign; the roof is an ironical allusion to the debate that has been going on for decades about the integration of tradition in modern Chinese architecture. 

Wuhan CRland French-Chinese Art Centre

Location: Wuchang
Program: Exhibition
Design period: 2004-2005
Construction period: 2005
Site area: 4000 m²
Building area: 1500 m²
Design Team: Zhang Ke, Zhang Hong, Hao Zengrui, Han Xiaowei, Yang Xinrong, Liu Xingjie, Jin Jie, Lin Lei,Han Liping
Photographers: Chen Su

The site of the art centre is located across the street from the Wuchang Tanhualin historic area, about one mile away from the historic Huanghelou tower on the Yangtzi River. The expectation of the building was an important public space for the city and a monument for both the past and the ongoing transformation of the city. The fact that many famous Chinese intellectuals lived in the Tanhualin area across the street inspired us. We were interested in testing the possibilities of building something out of the ancient Chinese intellectual practice of ink and water. The art centre was conceived as an urban container, within which art objects, events, acts, concepts and activities flourish. In this case the container is made out of intuitive images of ink-and-water. 

While the site conditions also take part in the formation of spaces: since the site is cut into a half by an unexpected urban infrastructure (a flood pipeline), the 30-meter-wide outdoor space became the central courtyard for spatial organization, around it seat the east and west exhibition hall and the floating bridge linking the two parts. In the 80-meter-long concrete bridge, the ink-water stroke texture coincides with the necessary structural elements for the 5.5-meter-high concrete hollow beam. This becomes an interesting moment when an image merges seamlessly with a structure. 

vanke “AN” Club House, Suzhou

Program: Recreational and Public Service
Design period: 2006-2007
Construction period: 2007-2008
Site area: 4500 m²
Building Area: 3700 m²
Design Team: Zhang Ke, Zhang Hong, Hou Zhenghua, Zhao Yang, Gao Fei, Hao Zengrui, Yang Xinrong, Wang Feng, Huang Di, Zhang Zhengfan, Liu Xinjie, Zhang Cheng
Collaborate Design Institution: Suzhou Industrial Park Design and Research Institute
Structural System: Concrete Frame

The club is formed by a folding wall of 500M long, which also encloses 13 separating courtyards. A delicate bias cuts through the building and guides people to enjoy the experience of “a different view with every step” within the spaces and landscapes. Each span has an irregular shape, and different spans integrate together and form a kind of introvert space; the transverse bridges cut the spans into spaces with different functions, such as interiors, courtyards, atrium, water and bridges, which reinterpreted the Suzhou tastes in a different way.

unnatural growing

It is part of an exhibition named as “Un-Natural” sponsored by Formica. The work is a result out of a series of experimental ideas, which sometimes appear in our architectural practice, and some of them have become the key word of our projects, whereas others still remains in our minds. These ideas are loosely connected, and we have been unable to give clear answers to these ideas yet, so what we can say is that these ideas relate to architecture and city, artificial and natural, agriculture and landscape, environment and lifestyle and other problems we must confront in our daily work and life. This exhibit tries to keep openness to all questions instead of pointing to a specific thought, which is the start of our experimental mind. Meanwhile, it is not limited to a certain scale, it can be as small as a decoration on the table or as large as a city. The span of scale corresponds to the multilevel nature of the problem. 

HongKong West Kowloon Terrace-Land Skyscraper

It is really surprising to see (that) there are such big pieces of land at West Kowloon and the Airport site is still vacant. So similar to the airport site, it’s left open not because people don’t want to do something here. It’s on the contrary people really want to do something here, and because it is so important that the government and society want make sure that things could happen in a right way. So my first impression of this land is it’s so important not only for the West Kowloon, but also for the whole urban central area of Hong Kong. I can image that most of the typical Hong Kong images are taken from this direction towards Victoria bay. In fact this is the vista point of conventional Hong Kong. It is so important that it doesn’t allow us to do something wrong there.

A group of mountains, like a serious of Guilin mountains, built on this piece of land, and (the cultural venues) are like precious stones imbedded in the mountain. And the mountain itself has the forms much like the terraced farmland which named “Ti Tian” in Chinese.

Viewing from the bay area, it’s no longer those typical urban vertical high-rise office buildings and hotels in front. A few Guilin mountains in the front and the office buildings in the back, inside the mountains there are hotel rooms for visitors to stay there with prime view of the bay. And the major mountain is about 550m high. Also in the performance centre there are still views towards the Victoria Bay. And the outside is actually farmland, terraced field that grows rice. The children and elder can have one piece of that land to grow rice. Also schools can use it for agriculture practice base. On the right hand side of this site, about two third of the space will be left for the office buildings and other housing and towers. So actually the mountain is occupied about one third of the total land. But the terraced field will be continued on the forty hectares. So in general I think the FAR instead of being about 2, it was 2.8 before, so now our scheme will provide much more built area than the competition requirement of 2.8. I guess it would be at least 6 to 8 FAR, so that the government and developers can have more financial base to make this development into reality.

In terms of cityscape it is very hard to say that if it is architecture or only a landscape. It is both architecture and landscape at the same time. Basically we are creating man-made landform that is very tall so that various people could have the opportunities to practice the mountain climbing and agriculture learning classes and you can also go there to experience the art works and performances if enter from underground through the subway or parking area. But the outside surfaces are all naturally looking, except of a few of jewelry points on the mountain, they are the cultural facilities. And the openings also provide the possibility to see the Victoria Bay. In directions that were exclusive for high office towers, in the past you have to be someone who is able to have the view and enjoy it, because you have money or social position that allows you to be there. But here in this area it is open to everyone. You can simply climb outside of the mountain and enjoy the view. Also most importantly is that financially it’s feasible. I think by providing more space, by putting the cultural centre inserted or actually imbedded in the mountain, we save at least two third of the land for other possible of the land development. Because financially I believe there need to be someone who has the motivation and interest to build the cultural facilities in this scale. It couldn’t be simply from donations of any institutions. It needs to be balanced in terms of financial budgeting. ……….and even inside of the mountain, there would be commercial developments, too. The cultural facilities are taking at most one tenth of the space of the mountain. Nine tenth of the space inside the mountain could be hotels, shopping centers. So it could be the Hong Kong cultural mountain terrace land and maybe the tallest department store in the world.

And also the rice field has forty hectares of surface of the terraced farmland. It also produces environmental impact. And also it can produce some organic rice for the Hong Kong people. That is a very direct result. So from the distance it looks all green and it is not like something with the hard surface as concrete or steel concrete. It is a piece of agricultural landscape imbedded in the centre of the city. I think it could be both the poetic and in terms of program it also fit for the city infrastructure

The Dancing Books Tower

Official Project Name: “The Peak” Towers, CRLand
Nick Name: “The Dancing Books” Tower
Project Location: Wuhan
Design Date: 2007
Construction Time: 2008-2009
Site Area: 13800 m²
Total Area: 43000 m²
Chief Designer: Zhang Ke, Zhang Hong, Hou Zhenghua
Design Team: Huang Di, Sun Wei, Yu Chunshui, Wan Wenli, Zhao Yang, Wang Feng, Liu Xinjie, Zhang Cheng, Duo Ning

The Dancing Books Tower are situated in a densely populated downtown area near Hongshan Plaza of the historic district of Wuchang, with Yangtze River about two Kilometers to the south, Dong Hu Lake 1.5 km to the north, and the well known Huang-He Lou Watch Tower about 5 km to the west. 

The project is comprised of two160-meter skyscrapers and twelve exclusively high-end courtyard houses at the foot of the towers. Of the two skyscrapers, one is a one unit per floor apartment, with a typical floor about 400 square meters each; and the other one, with each floor measures about 600 square meters, is a six unit per floor luxury service apartment-hotel. Due to their small floor plans and unusual height, the towers look exceptionally slim and elegant in their proportion. 

Each floor of the two towers are slightly shifted, generating a sense of free horizontal movement while soaring into the sky, a status that makes people wonder how this could be reality. The “dancing of the plans” creates ever-changing combination of gestures, passing out an enchanting atmosphere to the urbanscapes of Wuhan City.
标准营造standardarchitecture,1999年由张轲、张弘、Claudia Taborda等多位年轻设计师创建于纽约,是一家专业从事建筑设计、景观与城市设计、室内设计及产品设计的合伙人事务所。公司2001年以来通过国际竞赛在国内赢得了多项重要项目,工作空间逐渐转移到北京。

在一系列重要文化项目的基础上,如北京东便门明城墙遗址公园(已实施,2001-2002);清华大学美术学院规划及建筑设计(中标方案,2002,合作Perkins & Will);北京白塔寺历史街区商业步行街;桂林阳朔步行街设计(中标实施,2003-2004)等,事务所发展了在历史文化地段中进行景观与建筑创作的特长。

“标准营造”的实践超越了传统的设计职业划分,其重要项目有Lenovo联想研发基地空间规划、室内设计和景观设计(已实施2003);“标准营造”工作室(已实施2003);十三陵水库新朝凤山庄别墅区规划、建筑和景观设计(建设中);大连亿达幼儿园(已建成 2003); 北京武夷小学礼堂(已建成 2003)等等。


基地面积:1000 m²
建筑面积:420 m²
主设计师:侯正华、张轲、张弘、Claudia Taborda







基地面积:15000 m²
建筑面积:0 m²




项目名称: 武夷小学礼堂
项目地点: 通州,北京
项目功能: 多功能礼堂
设计时间: 2002-2003
施工时间: 2004
基地面积: 3000 m²
建筑面积: 2000 m²
设计团队: 张轲,张弘,卜骁俊,李长乐
摄影师: 陈溯




项目地点: 武昌
项目功能: 展览
设计时间: 2004-2005
施工时间: 2005
基地面积: 4000 m²
建筑面积: 1500 m²
设计团队: 张轲,张弘,郝增瑞,韩晓伟,杨欣荣,刘新杰,李琳娜 ,经杰,林磊,韩立平
摄影师: 陈溯





基地面积:4500 m²
建筑面积:3700 m²





外即是内,内即是外。自然,这道五百米长的折墙造成了很多有趣的空间,也以一种纠缠不清的方式提出了一个关于建筑的有趣问题:内和外的问题。一会儿是墙内,一会儿是墙外;一会儿是室内,一会儿是室外;一会儿是内墙,一会儿是外墙;一会儿是内院,一会儿是外院。 由一道转折的白墙引发的很多个关于内和外的建筑游戏。












基地面积:13800 m²
建筑面积:43000 m²


项目所在的地块并不大,13 000余平米,开发商原本打算在这里做一些多层建筑,但标准营造建议用12个庭院别墅和两栋极细的超高层住宅来代替,这样就可以保留基地里原有的20多棵近米高的香障树。


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